Saturday, 28 February 2015

Week 5

Bonjour everyone! Hope you enjoyed the lovely weather over the weekend! I know I did! We had some more great spelling results this week where children got all of the list correct! What is great to see are each children's spelling results showing an improvement! Well Done everyone!

Last week the middle school classrooms were lucky to be given a Maths Whizz account to practise their maths skills every week. Please encourage your child to go on at home as part of their home learning. This is a really great programme that sets up and teaches skills specifically to your child's needs. If you need username and password information please send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Click on the maths whizz link here to get to the page.

We are swimming this week so don't forget your togs!

As the Gala is drawing near it would be great to see more items brought in this week for the occasion!

Here's what's on

Wednesday: Library. Kick It ( Please bring your PE gear)

Thursday: Gala 4pm to 7pm

Friday: Spelling Test. Golden Time. Assembly.

Myspace Message Generators

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Week 4

Kumusta everyone!
It's great to see so many of the children settling into the class routines. Congratulations to a few of our class members who have got 40/40 for their spelling last week. We have a spelling test every Friday morning and I test the children on the same list every week 
(please see the spelling tab) Children who get all their words correct then move to the mastery level list underneath that list. Please practise these words with your children. 
Here's this weeks notices:

Monday: Kick It: Please bring in your PE gear.( This session is a make up session that was missed last week)
Wednesday: Singing Practice. Library. Kick It.
Thursday: Gateway student Shayla O'Neill in class all day.
Friday: Golden Time. Assembly.

Please talk with your children about the promises they made for Lent. With encouragement, they will continue to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Have a great week!

Friday, 13 February 2015

Week 3

We had a wonderful time last week seeing the warriors...the children were soooo excited!!
Thank you to all the parents who came to our Meet the teacher evening! There was a fairly good turn out. 
I managed to test the class on some spelling on Friday and the class got some pretty good results. Please check the Spelling Tab as this list will be tested every Friday of each week. The children have written down the words they need to focus on for the following week, hopefully we get to see an improvement by everybody!! A special treat will go to the whole class if everyones results show improvement by the end of the term.
This week we will be starting to get into proper reading and maths routines. It is also a busy week especially with swimming, the Promise ceremony and Ash Wednesday and trying to fit in Nationalised Assessments. Hopefully it won't be too unsettling for the kids!!
On Tuesday we will be making pancakes to mark the day before Lent starts ( Shrove Tuesday) The video below will help to explain the story behind Pancake Day.

 Here's what's happening this week:

Monday: Swimming

Tuesday: Making Pancakes ( bring in your toppings of preference if you wish) Promise Ceremony, Swimming.

Wednesday: Ash Wednesday Liturgy( 9am), Library, Kick It ( Please bring in PE Gear) Swimming.

Thursday: Swimming

Friday: Golden Time Swimming Assembly.

Fun this week!!

Introducing...the best class ever!!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Week 2

Kia Ora everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!

We had a fantastic first week of school. I was very impressed with the children's behaviour, we had a few warnings for some children, but no one lost Golden Time, well done Rm 15!!! While we are on the topic of Golden Time please add to the padlet below if you have some really good ideas for our Golden Time. I will then put these activities into the Golden Time tab above.

The Holiday Reading logs are due in by Tuesday 10th of Jan. If your child would like to go into the draw to win some great prizes, be sure to get them in by then.
Here's what's on this week:

Tuesday: 10 Feb
Diocese Mass at 6pm ( This is not compulsory to attend)


Opening School Mass at 2pm
‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions starting at 3.05

Golden Time, Assembly Warriors visit the school