Home Learning

Home Learning Term 2

In the presentation below you will find some home learning tasks that are fun and engaging. Some of the tasks will follow on from the learning that children have done in the classroom.

2015 Term 1 Home Learning

This slide show will give you a list of activities to complete over the term. Click the arrow to see each slide, otherwise it will go automatically.

Reading/ Writing
Please start  looking for a poem to recite in class and start memorising it for our class Poetry competition. Marks will be given for saying the poem by heart, using expression in your voice, using gestures/ props in your recital. If you get stuck, I have poems you can use in the class.

Google Docs: Please go through your google account and complete any unfinished work that I have set this term. Also be sure to give you work a Title so that when I check it I know what I am looking at.

Reading: Read and read and read. Write down the titles on your book.

Try this experiment out and tell me what happened. You can send me this experiment using photos or in a video.

Make a Ping Pong Ball Float
What you'll need:
  • At least 1 ping pong ball (2 or 3 would be great)
  • A hair dryer

  1. Plug in the hair dryer and turn it on.
  2. Put it on the highest setting and point it straight up.
  3. Place your ping pong ball above the hair dryer and watch what happens.

What's happening?
Your ping pong ball floats gently above the hair dryer without shifting sideways or flying across the other side of the room. The airflow from the hair dryer pushes the ping pong ball upwards until its upward force equals the force of gravity pushing down on it. When it reaches this point it gently bounces around, floating where the upward and downward forces are equal.
The reason the ping pong ball stays nicely inside the column of air produced by the hair dryer without shifting sideways is due to air pressure. The fast moving air from the hair dryer creates a column of lower air pressure, the surrounding higher air pressure forces the ping pong ball to stay inside this column, making it easy to move the hair dryer around without losing control of the ping pong ball.
See if you can float 2 or even 3 ping pong balls as an extra challenge.

Week 3 and 4

Current Events

A New Zealander will soon be attempting 
to set a world record in freediving. What is 
• a. diving off high cliffs into water 
• b. trying to fit in as many tricks as possible 
when diving off a high dive board 
• c. trying to dive as deep as possible without 

fins or breathing equipment

2)In which country are the All Blacks playing 
this weekend? 

• a. United States b. Italy c. Japan


Log into IXL and work on some TIME activities.

Fun/ Writing:

Check out these cool Optical Illusions. First tell me what an optical illusion is and then when you have tried them, write about what happened.

Even more fun: Try this experiment at home and take a photo to email to me. Write what happened when you did it!
Make your own Rainbow.

What You Need:

  • Glass of water
  • White paper 
  • Direct sunlight 


Take a glass of water and paper to a part of the room where there is a window and direct sunlight.

Hold the glass of water above the paper and watch as sunlight passes through the glass of water and forms a rainbow of colours on your sheet of paper.

You can move the paper around a little to see different reflections.

Thanks to all those children who did a great job on their home learning tasks last term! I was very impressed with the quality of work you produced Ka Pai!

Term 4 Week 1 and 2

Current Events
1)Which team will Sonny Bill Williams be 
playing for in the ITM Cup? 
• a. Counties 
• b. Waikato

• c. Canterbury 

2)In which New Zealand city has another 
major fault line been discovered? 
• a. Wellington 
• b. Hamilton 

• c. Christchurch

3)What is being blamed for a nasty epidemic 
of food poisoning that has been spreading 
through New Zealand? 
• a. infected apples 
• b. infected smoked fish 
• c. infected packaged carrots and lettuce

Mathematics: Practise your x3, x4 and x6 tables.

Writing: Edit this short piece of writing.
 susan’s best friend was called felicity. she lived in the next street to susan. it was called oak terrace. felicity was born in december and for her birthday she got a hamster. it was called alice. every Friday night susan and felicity go to the disco and they like to dance to katy perry and one direction.

Fun: Send me a cool holiday pic with a short description of what you did. If you get it to me on time I will post it to the blog. My email is tai@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz

Week 9 and 10

Something different for a change, over the next two weeks your going to offer/show randoms acts of kindness. Do the dishes, take out the rubbish, help a younger sibling to make their bed. It is so rewarding knowing that you have helped someone or that you have put a smile on their face.

Current Events

2)True or false, the new watch product 
announced by Apple will be called the 


3) For how many years has John Key been 
our Prime Minister? 

• a. 3 years b. 6 years c. 9 years

5) Why has the Guinness World Records 
book been in the news recently? 
• a. it’s name will be changing because 
Guinness has sold the copyright 
• b. it has been accused of making up 
some of the records 

• c. it has celebrated it’s 60th birthday 


Go into your IXL account and work on Data and Graph's. Try out some more pictographs.


Complete your writing tasks in your Google account for Comic Strips and Wing It.

Week 7 and 8


Practice your x2, x3 , x5, x10 tables below. I was very impressed with the times tables results last Friday. No one got less than 19 out of 20. Ka pai children and keep practising.

Writing: Write these sentences out and Put the speech marks in the correct places in the sentences below:

      1) What time is it? asked Angel.
2) I want chicken for dinner
, said Monica.
3) Can I play on the computer Mum? asked Kayla.

4) I would like an ice cream please, said Sarah.

5) That costs
 12 euro said the shop-keeper.
6) Would you like to read a book? asked the teacher.

7) John hit me, said Henry.

8) Where is the cheese? asked Kayleigh.

9) It is time to go to computers, said the teacher.

10) What is 10 + 2? asked Miss Byrne.

11) Hooray shouted the children

Reading: Keep up with your reading. Go to Ziptales and read some stories from there! Username is smroto14 and password is smcs. You can add some of these stories to the reading log.

1)Which charity event was held last Friday? 
• a. Red Nose Day 
• b. Daffodil Day 

• c. Pink Ribbon Day

2)True or false, Barack Obama has posted a 
clip of himself participating in the ice bucket 


3)Who is Cameron Slater? 
• a. the leader of the Act Party 
• b. the new head of NZ’s Americas Cup team 

• c. a National Party supporter and blogger

Week 5 and 6

Please check the answers below for the Current Events questions from our last home learning tasks. I have added or highlighted the answer. 

Write down 5 jokes.

Reading: I am looking for stories from different parts of the world. If you, your parents or your grandparents know of any, please give me the names and what their origin is. Would be great if you can write the story to share with the class.
Lots of reading over the next few weeks. Please add to the Reading log. 

Maths: Over the next few weeks we will be looking at tally charts and different ways we can graph information.
I would like you to create a tally chart for these things that are in your house.

doors, windows, beds, televisions, remotes, drawers.

Extra for experts: Make up your own tally chart of 6 other items in your house.( fruit, types of toys, cans of food etc)

Current Events:
1)Why was Paraparaumu School in the news 
last week? 
• a. they have won an international 
environmental award 
b. a fire burnt down all the junior classrooms 
• c. it was the first primary school in NZ and 
celebrated its 200th anniversary

2)What is the main language spoken in the 
city of Madrid? Spanish

3)Which of the following are the top three 
surnames in New Zealand? 
• a. Smith, Williams and Wang 
• b. Smith, Li and Jones 
• c. Smith, Wilson and Williams


Fun: We have school photos next week, I would like you to practise and take your best selfie photo and email it to me on tai@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz . See if you have the cheesiest smile! I will load your photos to the class blog.

Week 3 and 4

Thank you to the children who handed in their home learning books on Friday. It is also great to see some of your tasks in your google account too. 

Here are our tasks for this week.

Maths: Fractions. Answer the questions below. You can just right the answers. a), b) etc.
a)1/4   b)3/8   c)  1/3   d)   6/8   e)  2/9   f)  4/4     g) 3/ 5    h) 1/2   i)2/3   j)   4/5    k)   3/4   l)   4/6    
m)   4/8   n)  3/6   o) 2/2

Reading: Read for 15 minutes each night. If there are any tricky words that need to be clarified/ made clear, write them down and see if you can find the meaning of them.

Current Events:
1)Who won New Zealand’s 600th Commonwealth Games medal? 
• a. Ritchie Patterson (Weightlifting)
b. Valerie Adams (Shot Put)

• c. Lauren Boyle (Swimming)
2)Why did Whittaker’s recall some of its Almond Gold mini slabs recently? 
• a. it contained peanuts rather than 
• b. a plaster was found in one of the bars 
c. bits of plastic were found in some of 

the bars
3)Which of the following was not a sport at 
the 2014 Commonwealth Games? 
• a. Judo 
• b. Table Tennis 
c. Rowing
4)Why were the Meerkats at Hamilton Zoo in 
the news last week? 
• a. they escaped 
• b. the world’s first albino meerkat was born 
c. they have been eating rubber loom bands 
Check out this link to find the above answer.
Writing Procedures.
Help mum or dad with some cooking or baking. Write down the steps you took to do this. Don't forget to use Time Connectives (First, Next, After That, Finally etc)

Myspace Message Generators

Week 1 and 2 Term 3

Sorry this is late everybody...my brain was still on holiday and I forgot to add some home learning tasks for the next few weeks!
So here we go...

Maths/ Maori: We have been learning to count in numbers and how the counting system is great for our place value knowledge. 
See if you can tell me what these numbers are:
- rua tekau, whitu tekau, tekau ma toru, kore, toru tekau ma toru, iwa tekau ma rua.

Timetables practice: I have sent a sheet home of the times tables you will need to practice for this week. I will be testing you on Friday. These sheets will come out every week and hopefully help you with your times tables. I am hoping to see your scores show progress over the term.

Concept: Tell me how to say hello in 5 different languages with the countries you have used.

Reading: Add to the class reading log in the reading tab. Don't forget to press the submit button.

Fun/ music/ writing: Write/ copy a verse and the chorus of your favourite song. We will try to find chords for them and learn how to play them on garageband.

What's happening around the world? Answer these questions

1)Over which country was a Malaysian 
Airlines passenger jet recently shot down 
with tragic results? 
• a. Ukraine b. Russia c. Malaysia

2)Who did Germany defeat in the final of the 
football World Cup to claim the trophy?

3)From which country do scientists now 
believe the ancestors of the Kiwi bird 
• a. Australia b. India c. Madagascar

Have a great week everyone! Happy Learning!!!

Week 7 and 8

I really enjoyed seeing the posters that children made at home of a particular landform. Well done to those children who has their work on our Structures Wall.

Writing/ Concept: Find and write down 5 facts about the Mt Tarawera Eruption.

Writing: Write a show but don't tell for these emotions:
embarrassed, tired, angry. 
Extra for experts: choose 2 of your own feelings/ emotions and show them in your writing.

Capacity:Watch this clip on capacity and answer these questions.
1) What is capacity.
2)What is the standard unit for measuring capacity?

Find and write some things that you have around your house that has this on the label.

Fun: Tessellation is repeating the same shape without gaps or overlapping.
In google Draw I want you to create some tessellation artwork by repeating the same shape.

Reading: Make sure you are adding to our reading log. You must put in a summary of your book, not just the Title. The top 5 children with the most read books over the term will win a prize!

Week 5 and 6

Thank you to all the children who managed to get their home learning done  this week either in their books or online in their account!

Concept: Watch this video, choose one landform and create a poster with information about your landform. Be creative with how you would like to present your information! If you need paper, you can grab some from the class.

Maths:  Go into your IXL account and work on some more skills.
The grade is on the left hand side. 
If you are in the Diamonds and Pentagons maths group, do grade 2 activities.
If you are in the Hexagons do the grade 3 activities, octagons can do grade 3-4.

Click here to go straight to the website.

RE/ reading: Find a story in the old testament and the new testament. Write a summary for the story you have found and illustrate your stories.

Week 3 and 4

We had some wonderful photos and video clips with your structures! Ka Pai children.

adjectives(a), comparatives(c), superlatives(s)

a:big  c: bigger  s: biggest ( Can you see the pattern?)

Write the comparative and superlatives for these adjectives
fat, small, funny, great, pretty, ugly.
Extra for experts: Come up with some of your own.

Verb families: Action Words
Write and illustrate the word families for these words. An example has been provided.
jump jumps jumping jumped

hop, skip, laugh, sing, look, walk, eat, swim

Reading: In the reading Tab on the Home Page, write the books you have read in the survey. You have to answer a few questions about your book. The top 5 children with the most read books over the term will win a prize!


Write a number problem with these symbols in them
< less than  > greater than  = equal to

example:  5+3 < 10+2

RE: I want you to find out who our school is named after. 
Give me 5 facts about this special Saint.

For those who enjoy working in their google account, you may want to set up a Homework doc in google docs and put all your home learning into this. 

Term 2
Week 1

Concept: Structures
Take a picture or video footage of yourself creating some kind of structure( dominoes, card tower, lego blocks etc). Be creative with what you use and remember the main idea: Organisation of many parts. I will post all photos and video footage onto the blog.

Write an acrostic poem on the word STRUCTURE. See below for an example of an acrostic poem for WINTER.
Not warm
Toes get frozen
Everything is cold
Real Snow

Practise your 2x, 3x, 4x tables.

Find some nouns ( physical things) and verbs ( action words) in the story you are reading.

Week 10 and 11

Copy these sentences into your home learning book and see if you can make them more interesting by adding adjectives ( Describing words).

1) The monkey ate a banana.
2) The car drove up the driveway.
3)The dinosaur walked over the mountain.
4) She tried on the shoes.

Reading: Read and Read and Read!

Place Value:How many groups of tens and ones are there in the number...

- 45, 22, 70, 88, 61, 38, 96.

Extra for experts: 

How many groups of hundreds, tens and ones are there in the number...

- 254, 782, 220, 105, 899, 743

Fun: Make a word find with these words in it.

happy, thanks, room, welcome, class, chair, grow.

Week 8/9

Well done to those super spotters who found the differences in the the " Spot the Difference"task last week. I have put the answers below the task. There were actually 12 differences, thanks Aidan for spotting this!

Reading/ Writing
For those who have internet access I would like you to log into your gmail account. In your reading folder, create a new document and write a short book report about a book you have read.
You may:
- put the title, author and illustrator into your report.
-characters names
-write what the story was about. If you are a clever cookie, try to add an image too.

Maths: Practice your x2, x3 and x4 times tables. Too easy you say? How can you challenge yourself then? Try some harder ones!

RE/ Writing: Illustrate and write about the Annunciation Story.

Fun/ Maths:
Can you find these 3D shapes in your house? 
Cube, sphere, cone, cylinder. Take a photo of these 3d shapes and email them to me. I will post your photos on the blog. 
My email address is:  tai@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz

Week 6/7

Fantastic work to all you clever learners. I loved all your prayers you wrote this week for home learning.
Check out the answers below for the brainteasers I set out for last weeks tasks.

Writing: Oh dear, I need your help children. The full-stop thief and the capital letter catcher has taken some things from my story. Can you re write it with the corrections.

i have a very sore eye i think i should be a pirate wearing my dark pirate patch i would love to be a pirate so i can travel on a ship  and find lots of treasure

Reading: Write down 5 new words that you have come across in your reading. Put each of them in a sentence.

Maths: Create a poster on you favourite shape/s. Tell me something about your shape ( how many sides, where you may find them)

Fun: Spot the difference. There are 10 differences. Use your words saying where they are. I have done one for you.

1)The time on the clock is different.
2) Granny has a pin in her hair.
3) Two extra dolls on the shelf.
4)Handles on the cupboard doors are different.
5) More bananas in the second picture.
6) Icing line on the cake is different.
7)Cat has a lollipop.
8) Yellow cookie on the tray.
9) Picture of the mountains are different.
10) Extra fish in the salad.
11) Girl poking here tongue.
12) Girl is wearing socks.

Week 4/5

Ka Pai to all those wonderful learners who handed in their home learning book on Friday. I absolutely loved your jokes!
Here are your tasks for the next 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy them.

Maths: Practise your 2x tables at home. If that is way too easy then try your 3x tables. The videos below might help.

I will hand out your username and passwords to studyladder
this week. Try out some of the set tasks at home. This link should only require your password and not your username. Please let me know if you are having problems.

Reading: Read and read and read for 15- 20 mins a night. This is how you will become a Reading Star!!Read aloud so you can hear yourself also.

Fun: Try to figure out the answers to these brainteasers

1) What goes up but never comes down? Your age
2)What grows down while it grows up? A goose ( down being the feathers)
3)What is yours to own, yet others use it more? Your name
4)I travel around the world but never leave the corner. What am I? AN envelope
5)What starts with a P and ends with an E and has a thousand letters in it? Post Office

6)I'm as light as a feather yet an average man can't hold me more than one minute. Your breath

R.E/ Writing
Write a prayer of thanks, a prayer of forgiveness and a prayer to bless someone.

Practise your spelling words. The list you have to practice will be in your home learning book.

I will be collecting home learning books on the Friday of every odd week ( 3, 5, 7, 9, 11). This will mean that if your child has after school activities and is finding it difficult to set time aside for home learning, they get a weekend in between to work on set tasks or projects. Home learning activities will consist of things we are learning. I do enjoy setting fun tasks also so keep an eye out for these! The most important thing you can do with your child is encourage the reading at home. Thank you for the support you are giving your child to help them be the best that they can be!

Week 2/3

Reading: What's going to help you be a better reader??? Yes that's right...read and read and read. The more practice you get the better you will become! Read for 15-20 mins each night. In your home learning book, create a new front cover for the book you are reading.( Remember to include author and illustrator.)

Maths: Looking at temperature
Find and write things that are hot in temperature and things that are warm and then cold.

Writing: Write 5 cool jokes in your book.


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