Sunday, 26 April 2015

Poppy Mosaics with Janet Keen

Poppy Mosaics on PhotoPeach

Week 2

Talofa everyone! It was lovely to march in the Anzac parade on Saturday with other St Mary's students. Everyone looked very smart! I hope you have enjoyed your extra day of rest.
Holiday Reading Logs are due tomorrow ( Tuesday). We have 3 students in our class who have not returned theirs. Please do so by tomorrow. There are some wonderful prizes up for grabs including a chrome book and an ipod touch. The teacher's of the class with the most reading logs will also get to win a prize.
The Middle Team teachers have decided we will not be going on the Sculpture Garden walk this term. If you are near there, do take your children as there are some amazing pieces of art focused on the Anzacs at war.

This week we have been putting posts onto our independent blogs.
Click here for the link to Middle School Site. Then find the tab with " Our Amazing Blogs" and you will find your child's blog from there. These blogs will be replacing our portfolios for the year. So do check them out and talk to your child about they have been learning.

This is what's happening this week:

Tuesday: Anzac Liturgy. All are welcome
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Golden Time ( Check out the activities in the tab above) . Assembly at 2.05.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Bye Bye Holidays...hello Term 2!

Namaste and welcome to term 2 everybody!
I'm pretty sure you all had a restful holiday and gearing up getting ready for school.
I spent part of the second week doing some learning myself and attended a conference in Auckland getting some wonderful ideas when using google apps. I am very excited to try out some of these things in the classroom. You will not be disappointed!
Over the next two weeks we will be focusing on Anzac Day, we hope to visit the sculpture trail in week two if the weather is kind to us.  Our concept this term is Sustainability; we will be focusing on Native NZ birds and their habitat.
Reading logs are due this week- please bring in, If you child has lost theirs – they are able to write it on any piece of paper. I would like to have 100% returned.Hopefully there will be a class prize for the class with the most reading logs returned.

I have added a reading log to the Reading tab above. Please fill this in with any stories that your child reads over the term. The top three children with the most books read by the end of the term will win a special prize. So go on and add your books. I dare YOU!!

Urgent Urgent please read!
On Tuesday and Wednesday the middle Team will be creating mosaics with Janet Keen. We need some parent help. If you are available please let me know.

Here's what's on for this week:

Tuesday: Resurrection Liturgy/ Making Mosaics
Wednesday: Library/ Making Mosaics
Friday: Golden Time/ Assembly.

Have a great week. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Add to the class padlet below: