Notices for this week
Fathers Day Gifts Selling for $3 this week.
FROM FATHER EAMON Training for new Altar Servers will begin on Wednesday 2nd September 3.30 pm at St Mary’s and a parent is also required to be present. Children are very welcome to serve at both churches.
ENROLMENT FOR THE SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME At St Mary’s Catholic Church, 7.00 pm the 14th October and or 21st October there will be an information session. Dates will be given and for those who are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring a baptismal certificate. The children are required to be 8 by the 1st November 2015. Children who are not baptised and would like to become Catholic are also very welcome to be a part of this Sacramental Programme. The Sacramental Programme is beginning this year in November. Many children these days are supported in their faith by their grandparents, if this is the circumstances in your family please don’t be afraid to bring them along, with parent permission.
Pass It Seniors
10.30am Church choir in room 15. Years 2 and up.
Pass It Seniors
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall.
Kapa Haka group performing at Citizens’ Ceremony. Children attending the Citizenship Ceremony need to meet Mrs Dunkley at 12.30pm with their lunch in Room 4. We will eat and then leave by bus from the Church carpark - we will return to school by 2.20pm
8.45am School Singing
11.00 Library
5.00pm Camp Mtg for parents of Year 5 and 6
11.00 Library
5.00pm Camp Mtg for parents of Year 5 and 6
9.30am St Columbas Catholic School Year 3 and 4 teachers visiting our Middle Team.
12.30pm Garden Club.
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall
9.00am Mother of Mary Birthday Mass
12.30pm Pasifika Practice in Room 15 at Friday lunchtime. All welcome.