Saturday, 29 August 2015

Week 7

Wow where has the time gone! We are already in week 7. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Congratulations to Mr Macmillan who got the most votes for the latest Daffodil Day Fundraiser, Dunk a Teacher with Ice. He is away this week, so hopefully within the next few weeks we will get to see this happening!

Notices for this week

Fathers Day Gifts Selling for $3 this week.
FROM FATHER EAMON Training for new Altar Servers will begin on Wednesday 2nd September 3.30 pm at St Mary’s and a parent is also required to be present. Children are very welcome to serve at both churches
ENROLMENT FOR THE SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME At St Mary’s Catholic Church, 7.00 pm the 14th October and or 21st October there will be an information session. Dates will be given and for those who are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring a baptismal certificate. The children are required to be 8 by the 1st November 2015. Children who are not baptised and would like to become Catholic are also very welcome to be a part of this Sacramental Programme. The Sacramental Programme is beginning this year in November. Many children these days are supported in their faith by their grandparents, if this is the circumstances in your family please don’t be afraid to bring them along, with parent permission.
Pass It Seniors
10.30am Church choir in room 15. Years 2 and up.

Pass It Seniors
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall.

Kapa Haka group performing at Citizens’ Ceremony. Children attending the Citizenship Ceremony need to meet Mrs Dunkley at 12.30pm with their lunch in Room 4. We will eat and then leave by bus from the Church carpark - we will return to school by 2.20pm
8.45am School Singing
11.00    Library
5.00pm Camp Mtg for parents of Year 5 and 6

9.30am St Columbas Catholic School  Year 3 and 4 teachers visiting our Middle Team.
12.30pm Garden Club.
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall

9.00am  Mother of Mary Birthday Mass
12.30pm Pasifika Practice in Room 15 at Friday lunchtime. All welcome.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Who are these GORGEOUS little beings?
Take a guess in the comments box below!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Solo work on Inventions

The class used hexagons to list inventions found in the classroom and at home. The children then sorted these items into categories and explained why they were grouped a particular way.
Here are some pictures of their Learning.

Jett's Birthday Biscuits

Happy Birthday Jett, thanks for sharing these wonderful gingerbread biscuits with the class. They were delicious!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Week 6

Nihau everyone! I would like to mention a big " Well Done" to Mackenzie in our class for your efforts in the Chinese Speaking Competition. We heard her speech last week and she was amazing!

Thank you to all those who have brought in their baby photos. The children have really enjoyed trying to guess who each baby is. They will be completing a " Guess the Baby" this week. Come in to check out our photos on display.

Rm 29 ( Rm 14 and 15) spent time last week learning their lines for Readers Theatre. They all did a fabulous job. Do check out Room 14's Blog for video recordings if you were presenting in Mrs Schofield's class.

Here's what's happening this Week:

Monday: SCHOOL PHOTOS please ensure your child is in their full school uniform ( No polar Fleeces) and hair is tidy.

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Golden Time. Assembly.

Hope you have a great Week.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Stacy Gregg Author Visit

Our school was lucky enough to listen to Stacy Gregg sharing her stories that she has written. She wrote the " Pony Club" series and has a passion for riding and writing. Stacy won the New Zealand Award for Children and Young Adults. 

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Week 5

Talofa everyone! Our class along with Rm 6 led the Assumption of Mary Liturgy this week. They did a fabulous job reading prayers.

There are a small number of children still left to bring in their baby pictures! Please do so in the next few days.

This is what's happening this week:

Monday: Teacher Only Day.

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Golden Time and Assembly.

Lady Bug Note Generators

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Week 4

Namaste everyone! I hope you have had a restful weekend.

Thank you for the wonderful food that was shared last Friday for our Mary Mackillop feast Day. The children enjoyed taking part in Service activities.

The activity that the children were involved with in our class was making Service Stones. We discussed how we can display service at home and the children got make their stones to give to their parents. Here are some pictures of the stones we made.

I am still waiting on baby photos of your child. Please can we have these in this week. The children are holding out to see their classmates as babies.

This week:
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: School Disco: the theme is Fluoro colours. 
Friday: Assumption of Mary Liturgy at 10am.

Myspace Generators & Toys

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Week 3

Tena Koutou everyone, the weeks seem to be flying by so quickly.
Thank you to those parents that have given me some baby pictures of the children. Please could we have these in by the end of the week. You can email them to me on

Congratulations to Sofia for winning the Matariki colouring in competition. Her artwork was beautiful. She won some amazing prizes

On Friday we are celebrating Mary Mackillop Day. We will have a shared lunch, it would be great if everyone could bring in something nice to eat.

Here's what's happening this week

Tuesday: Author Visit
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Mary Mackillop Day. Bring some food for shared lunch.
Tough Guy/ Gal challenge for children who have signed up.

Orkut Scrap Toys