Saturday, 31 October 2015

Week 4

Kia Ora everyone! I bet everyone is excited that the All Blacks have taken out the Rugby World Cup.
On Friday some of the staff played a game of touch rugby against the students. It was a very 
close game. Teachers won by a smidgeon.  

A big thank you to everyone for bringing in a can of food last Friday. Rm 29 had a big contribution.

Mine craft competition is due in this week. Please see Mrs Schofield for any questions.

Museum Trip Next Week: Bring in $2 for your canvas.

Here's what's on this week.

Monday: All Souls/ Saints Liturgy in the hall at 10am, all are welcome.
Tuesday: Swimming
Friday:No swimming due to Grandparents/ Grand-friends mass. 

Discover China Day

Celebrating China Day

We learnt how to do some Tai Chi, we saw some very cool pictures from China, we played a great game called Jianzi- Feather Kick where we kicked a shuttlecock thing a bit like a hacky sack, we made and ate some delicious dumplings and we learnt to do some calligraphy in mandarin.
A special thank you to Imogen's Mum, and Molly's Mum and Grandma for helping out in the kitchen with the dumplings.

 As well as celebrating China Day the school had a Black Out Day to show our support for the All Blacks. We also donated food for the food bank. Room 29 did a great job and brought in heaps of food. Thank you very much to everyone who brought in something.

More prayer spaces

The children have enjoyed making prayer spaces during prayers time. It gives them a real focus and makes prayers time that extra special .

Thursday, 29 October 2015


This Week we looked at the difference between a symbol and a picture. Here are our ideas.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Week 3

Malo Ni everybody. A Big congratulations to Ann Maria whose name was picked out of the Holiday Reading Draw, she won for herself a brand new chrome book, how exciting!!
I now have an apology for last weeks Middle Team Museum trip newsletter, my editing was absolutely terrible and the children picked up on many errors. Just goes to show how important it is to get someone else to double check your written work because it can easily be missed. Here is an edited copy of the newsletter. We are requesting that children bring $2 to cover the cost of a canvas for their art project. Please start sending this in ASAP.

Quite a few events happening over the next few weeks, 
Week 3: China Day, we are looking for parent helpers please. If you free please let us know.
Week 4: All Saint's Liturgy, Grandparents Mass
Week 5: Museum Trip
Week 6: Athletics Day

Exact Dates will be on the school calendar.

Here's what's happening  this week

Monday: Labour Day
Tuesday:Swimming and Hit It for Year 3 children.
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Swimming and Hit It for Year 3 children. Mandarin.
Friday: China day.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Week 2

Talofa and welcome to week 2.

Well done to those children that lead/ helped to prepare our class assembly. A special mention to Jayden and Liam R, who were awesome MC's. It is so rewarding being able to see children that wouldn't normally volunteer for a job like this, feel that sense of pride in what they have accomplished. Well Done boys.

There are still a few Holiday Reading Logs that need to come in. Mrs O'Leary would like them in by this Tuesday please.

Swimming will carry on as normal. If you have a daughter that is swimming, could you please advise her to give her hair a quick dry with her towel. I have seen the backs of uniforms saturated from wet hair. I'm sure this little tip will help with that.

Here is what's happening this week:

Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Rosary
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Swimming, GT: Fear Factor, Assembly

Request: Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning about Prayer Spaces. If there is anything that you have at home, that you no longer need, to donate to our altar ( candles, cloths, vases etc) we would be very grateful to have them. Please don't go out to buy anything, like the saying goes, someone's trash is another person's treasure.

Check out our Assembly Presentation below.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Week 1 Term 4

Nihau everyone! I hope you have had a restful break and are enthusiastic to start the new term. I am absolutely loving the sunny weather we have had over the past few days. Bring on Summer!

Congratulations to our Poetry Recital winners from last term: Flossy (1st Year 3), Gargi ( First Year 4), Sara, Sarah and Harrison (Highly Commended). Our recitals were judged by Mrs Dinniss and Jack ( tutor of Mandarin).

Please check out the "Parent Information Tab" above to see what the happenings are for this term.
I hope you have had a chance to look at your child's blog over the holidays. If you would like anything to be clarified come and see me or send me an email about your queries.

I hope everyone has done plenty of reading over the break. Please get your Reading Logs in as soon as possible as there is a chrome book up for grabs.There is also a class prize, so if you already have a chrome book, still send in your forms so that our class has a chance! 

Swimming will commence this week. Our class will swim every Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays of every even week we will swim also. I will try my best to remind the children, but they will need to start taking responsibility for their gear and start doing it on their own soon.

Golden Time has been put up for the term. Check out the Golden Time tab above for more information.

Rm 29 are leading assembly this week. You are more than welcome to join us. Assembly starts at 2.05pm

I'm sure our first week will be awesome! I am excited to see you all on Monday! Have an amazing week!

Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Rosary lead by middle school. Library
Thursday:Swimming. Mandarin with Jack
Friday: Golden Time: Scavenger Hunt. Assembly