Saturday, 12 December 2015


Talofa everyone, we have finally made it to our final week, actually, not even that, our final 2 and a half days of school! Arggghhhhhh...
Firstly I would like to thank you all for all the support you have provided over the year to ensure your children reach their maximum potential. We have had our ups and downs, but mostly ups, and it saddens me to know that this will be the last time I will be teaching some of your children. I truly will miss each and every one of my students!
Also to the support you have provided over the year, whether it be through transportation, supervision during trips, in class help etc, I thank you for giving up some of your time to help out.

Ou school picnic last Friday was a success, my highlight would have been the water fight, absolutely LOVED IT...I do apologise for any confusion about lunch/ shared lunch/ shared family dinner. We all got there in the end, and the kids had a great day.

I hope you are happy with your child's report and class placement for next year. They have worked extremely hard to get these results.

Monday is prize giving and our school TRYATHLON. I am hoping everyone will give it their all. Please bring in togs and a bike/ or scooter for this. Please see the list below for the times of events.

Lady Bug Note Generators

Here's what's happening this week:

Monday: 9 am Prize Giving ( Your child would have received a note about receiving an award)

Wednesday: Missioning for Senior Kids. 


Make a Santa Hat at

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Week 9

Namaste! Can you believe it, there is only a week and a half left of school, how the time has flown.

We have a busy week up ahead, please ensure the children get to bed a little earlier, as they are getting tired, and we are also getting some undesirable behaviours in the classroom. Let's make these last few days of school some really awesome ones!

Please ensure the PTA raffles are back asap. 
Also library books that haven't been returned, please do this also.

The Middle School Picnic is this Friday. Children may come in mufti. There will be some fun activities planned for the day. Please be sun smart, bring your togs a towel and a water bottle to stay hydrated. Following our Fun day we will be having carols and a Nativity Performance from 4:30 to 6:30. We hope you can make this.

This is what's happening this week:
Tuesday: Swimming
Thursday: Swimming. End of Year Mass at 1pm. All are welcome.
Friday: Middle School Picnic. Followed by Carols and Nativity from 4:30 to 6:30

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Uptown funking with the orchestra players

It was like being at a disco! We had so much fun dancing to Bruno Mars song " Uptown Funk".

Frozen themed music

The kids had a ball singing to some of the Frozen Songs that the orchestra played.

Sara the conductor

Here is Sara doing an amazing job conducting the Orchestra visit today. They were so amazing, we all had a great time dancing and joining in.

Sun smart rappers

And another awesome rap.

Sunsmart rappers

Some more sun smart rappers

Sun smart rappers

These awesome students wrote a sun smart rap for the Health Promoting Schools Competition.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Week 8

Kamusta everyone. Last week, a new student joined our Rm 20 family. Welcome to Nyla who has come from the Philippines. You have fit in beautifully with our class. We had a great week with Mrs Young too. She will be helping out with the Middle School Nativity.

Thank you to those who helped out with Athletics Sports on Friday and the working bee on Saturday. We are such a lucky school to have amazing parent volunteers to help.

Library is now closed. Please return ALL library books this week. A class prize will go out the first class that gets them back.

Student Led Conferences are this week. The children have been practising what they need to do when sharing their learning with their parents. Please make a booking if you have not made one yet. ( See last weeks notices)

Next Saturday is the Christmas Parade. St Mary's has a float and would like children to sit on the float during the parade. If you are available, come dressed as angels or Jesus' clothes, or farm animals.

What's on this week:
Monday: SLC's ( 3.15 onwards)
Tuesday: Swimming
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Swimming. GT. Assembly.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Week 7

Talofa everyone!

I was lucky enough to attend the Ahurei Performance last Wednesday and the children did an outstanding job on their items. It is such a privilege to work in a school with students that have amazing talents!

Athletics will be taking place this Friday, please drop your children off to JPC between 8:30am to 8.45 and pick up before 3pm.

We farewelled Mrs Schofield last week, and we welcome Mrs Young who will be working alongside myself in our shared learning space this week. We will be taking this opportunity to allow Mrs Young to teach the children a nativity over the next few weeks. She has requested that for costume purposes, she would like donations of wool, scraps of material. If you have any at home lying around, please start bringing these in.

Shared Lunch: We will have a shared lunch with Mrs Schofield on Thursday, please bring in something nice to share.

Student Led Conferences will take place on Monday 30 November from 3.15pm to 7.00pm. The conference takes place in your child's classroom and bookings will be set at 5 minute intervals. However this does not mean that conferences are only limited to 5 minutes in the classroom. You may take as much time as you wish and other parents and students will also be present in the classroom at these times.

Bookings for your time slot may now be accessed: Code: 6ARLU

The Health Promoting Schools Team would like to introduce the
Slip, Slop, Slap RAP!! Can you and your friends write a rap to promote sun safety?  This competition is open to all students from 
years 3-6.  You can work on your own or with a small group.  You cannot use any apps to help you with your rap - it must be your own work. The health team will be judging your rap in week 8, so get rapping now!!

School Working Bee has been scheduled for this Saturday. If you can lend a helping hand that would be awesome.

Here's what's happening this week:
Monday: Flag Referendum starts
Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Swimming/ Shared Lunch
Friday: Athletics Day.

I have a huge favour to ask parents. I am doing some extra study and as part of my assignment I would like to ask if you can complete a survey about the class blog and your child's learning blog. You do not have to add your name, so your answers are completely anonymous. It will only take a few minutes. Thank you.

Maori Tukutuku

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Athletics Cancelled

Due to weather conditions, Athletics will be postponed till next Friday, please send your kids to school in uniform! Thanks!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Week 6

Bonjour everyone. 
We have a busy week ahead, we will be trying to finish our Maori Symbolism Art on canvas this week, swimming and  preparing for Athletics also.

Notice for Parents of 2015 Year 2 students
On Monday night we are holding an information evening for parents who have children who will be in Year 3 classes at St Mary’s in 2016
When: Monday 16 November
Where: Room 14
Purpose: To provide parents with a better understanding of why and how students use Chromebooks and Google Apps accounts in our Year 3-4 
We hope you are able to attend.

Saturday 21st November, we intend to have a working bee to complete a few jobs around 
the school. A notice was sent home on Thursday with the list of jobs and if you are able to 
help please indicate the jobs you might be able to help with and return the form back to school please.


Notice about Athletics:

Children will need to bring the following items:
*Sports shoes * Jacket or polar fleece
*Water bottle, lunch and morning tea 
* Any medication required, named
*Sunblock and sunhat

The PTA are going to be selling sausages and juicies and classroom teachers will be taking orders for juicies and sausages at school on Thursday 19 November, the day before theAthletics. If you are able to assist on the day please inform Mrs Todd in Room 3 –

Finally prayers and thoughts to those who lost loved ones in France.

Here's what's happening this week:

Tuesday: Swimming

Wednesday: Library

Ahurei in the evening 7pm.

Thursday: Swimming

Friday: Athletics Day

Diwali Performance

Here is Aarav performing a dance for the Diwali Festival.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Week 5

Nihau everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend enjoying the beautiful weather.
Thank you to those who provided a plate for morning tea last Friday for our Grandparents/ Grand-friends day last Friday. We had a great turn out of grandparents visiting our classrooms. The plan for next year is to give the grandparents a bit more time to spend in the children's classrooms.

Children that are performing in the Ahurei, deadline for purchasing tickets is this Thursday.

This week, is our visit to the museum will be taking place. Thanks to those parents who have offered to help supervise. We are very lucky to have such great support when it comes to events like these.

Here's what's happening this week:

Monday: Museum Trip 
Rm 15 from 9:30 to 11.30. Rm 14 12:30 to 2:30 
We will catch the bus there. Parents may come on the bus too if they like.
Poi making in Rm 4 at lunch time for Kapahaka group.

Tuesday: Swimming

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Swimming

Friday: Mufti Day : bring a gold coin donation
Golden Time (Picture Puzzles). Assembly

There will be a working bee here at school on the 21st November. We would love it if you could come and help us.

Check out these cutie pies. I found this on an old class blog. It definitely put a smile on my dial. Thought you may like it too. Have a great week everyone.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Week 4

Kia Ora everyone! I bet everyone is excited that the All Blacks have taken out the Rugby World Cup.
On Friday some of the staff played a game of touch rugby against the students. It was a very 
close game. Teachers won by a smidgeon.  

A big thank you to everyone for bringing in a can of food last Friday. Rm 29 had a big contribution.

Mine craft competition is due in this week. Please see Mrs Schofield for any questions.

Museum Trip Next Week: Bring in $2 for your canvas.

Here's what's on this week.

Monday: All Souls/ Saints Liturgy in the hall at 10am, all are welcome.
Tuesday: Swimming
Friday:No swimming due to Grandparents/ Grand-friends mass. 

Discover China Day

Celebrating China Day

We learnt how to do some Tai Chi, we saw some very cool pictures from China, we played a great game called Jianzi- Feather Kick where we kicked a shuttlecock thing a bit like a hacky sack, we made and ate some delicious dumplings and we learnt to do some calligraphy in mandarin.
A special thank you to Imogen's Mum, and Molly's Mum and Grandma for helping out in the kitchen with the dumplings.

 As well as celebrating China Day the school had a Black Out Day to show our support for the All Blacks. We also donated food for the food bank. Room 29 did a great job and brought in heaps of food. Thank you very much to everyone who brought in something.

More prayer spaces

The children have enjoyed making prayer spaces during prayers time. It gives them a real focus and makes prayers time that extra special .

Thursday, 29 October 2015


This Week we looked at the difference between a symbol and a picture. Here are our ideas.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Week 3

Malo Ni everybody. A Big congratulations to Ann Maria whose name was picked out of the Holiday Reading Draw, she won for herself a brand new chrome book, how exciting!!
I now have an apology for last weeks Middle Team Museum trip newsletter, my editing was absolutely terrible and the children picked up on many errors. Just goes to show how important it is to get someone else to double check your written work because it can easily be missed. Here is an edited copy of the newsletter. We are requesting that children bring $2 to cover the cost of a canvas for their art project. Please start sending this in ASAP.

Quite a few events happening over the next few weeks, 
Week 3: China Day, we are looking for parent helpers please. If you free please let us know.
Week 4: All Saint's Liturgy, Grandparents Mass
Week 5: Museum Trip
Week 6: Athletics Day

Exact Dates will be on the school calendar.

Here's what's happening  this week

Monday: Labour Day
Tuesday:Swimming and Hit It for Year 3 children.
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Swimming and Hit It for Year 3 children. Mandarin.
Friday: China day.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Week 2

Talofa and welcome to week 2.

Well done to those children that lead/ helped to prepare our class assembly. A special mention to Jayden and Liam R, who were awesome MC's. It is so rewarding being able to see children that wouldn't normally volunteer for a job like this, feel that sense of pride in what they have accomplished. Well Done boys.

There are still a few Holiday Reading Logs that need to come in. Mrs O'Leary would like them in by this Tuesday please.

Swimming will carry on as normal. If you have a daughter that is swimming, could you please advise her to give her hair a quick dry with her towel. I have seen the backs of uniforms saturated from wet hair. I'm sure this little tip will help with that.

Here is what's happening this week:

Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Rosary
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Swimming, GT: Fear Factor, Assembly

Request: Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning about Prayer Spaces. If there is anything that you have at home, that you no longer need, to donate to our altar ( candles, cloths, vases etc) we would be very grateful to have them. Please don't go out to buy anything, like the saying goes, someone's trash is another person's treasure.

Check out our Assembly Presentation below.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Week 1 Term 4

Nihau everyone! I hope you have had a restful break and are enthusiastic to start the new term. I am absolutely loving the sunny weather we have had over the past few days. Bring on Summer!

Congratulations to our Poetry Recital winners from last term: Flossy (1st Year 3), Gargi ( First Year 4), Sara, Sarah and Harrison (Highly Commended). Our recitals were judged by Mrs Dinniss and Jack ( tutor of Mandarin).

Please check out the "Parent Information Tab" above to see what the happenings are for this term.
I hope you have had a chance to look at your child's blog over the holidays. If you would like anything to be clarified come and see me or send me an email about your queries.

I hope everyone has done plenty of reading over the break. Please get your Reading Logs in as soon as possible as there is a chrome book up for grabs.There is also a class prize, so if you already have a chrome book, still send in your forms so that our class has a chance! 

Swimming will commence this week. Our class will swim every Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays of every even week we will swim also. I will try my best to remind the children, but they will need to start taking responsibility for their gear and start doing it on their own soon.

Golden Time has been put up for the term. Check out the Golden Time tab above for more information.

Rm 29 are leading assembly this week. You are more than welcome to join us. Assembly starts at 2.05pm

I'm sure our first week will be awesome! I am excited to see you all on Monday! Have an amazing week!

Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Rosary lead by middle school. Library
Thursday:Swimming. Mandarin with Jack
Friday: Golden Time: Scavenger Hunt. Assembly

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Principals awards

Congratulations to Millie and Flossy for achieving the Principals Awards for Rm 29. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Pass It

The children learnt some wonderful skills around Rugby League passing and catching the rugby ball.

Emily's Poetry Recital

I was so impressed with Emily's poetry recital today! She read her poem in front of the whole class. What a champion!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Final Week of the Term!

Namaste everyone! This is our final week of learning for the children this term.
Thank you for all the support you have given your child over the term. I would also like to thank the parents that have come into our class to help out. 
Heidi, Margo, Angela; I really do appreciate the time you have dedicated to help, it sure has made my job much easier. 
The kids have been working so hard this term they have reached a stage where they too are quite exhausted. Please ensure early nights this week. I would like to use this week to finish off incomplete tasks, getting them onto their blogs, and hopefully we will get some time to do some fun stuff too.
It is Social Justice Week this week 
and this year we are looking at family poverty and 

what it would take for all families in Aotearoa 

New Zealand to flourish. Please keep in your 

prayers those families that are going through 

some kind of struggle.

Here's what's happening:

Monday: Pass It bring in your PE Gear

Tuesday: Pass It

Wednesday: Social Justice Liturgy. Library

Friday: Golden Time/ Assembly

Please check out the Calendar Art below if you

would like to order this year.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday everyone! Enjoy 

your break!

A Song from Assembly

For those that missed it, here are some girls from our class performing " God what a person you are".
Flossy, Ann Maria and Jumela made the song up as part of our Serving God task during RE.
We learnt the song that day. It really does have a catchy tune.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Week 9, where did the term go?

Talofa everyone! Weren't we lucky to have such beautiful weather over the weekend. I am so glad the season of Spring is starting to kick in!
Room 29's assembly went fabulously. I was so proud of the readers, the rappers and the singers. You are such clever kids!
Room 29's Assembly on PhotoPeach
Friday was topped off nicely with Mr Macmillan being dunked with 3 buckets of ice.

Children will be involved in the Pass It Programme this week. Please bring in your PE gear.

Monday: Pass It bring gear

Tuesday: Pass It Bring Gear

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Jack in for Mandarin/ Kapahaka

Friday: Golden Time/ Assembly

Monday, 7 September 2015

More raps on How we serve God

Olivia Ann Maria and group Aarav and Jayden Nevan Jethro Riley and Corbin Unknown Student

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Week 8

Hopefully, the students have told you about some changes in Room 14 and 15. In line with our plans for future learning in a Flexible Learning Space we have started to combine our learning. This means that Room 14 and Room 15 will be doing some, or a lot of their learning together. The children can move throughout the shared space and can mix with students from both classes.  We hope that this will make the learning better for the students,  they will also have 2 teachers to get help from. We have decided to name our combined classes Rm 29.

On Thursday we are very lucky to have a visit from the NZ Royal Ballet. In the morning there will be a presentation for the whole school, and then they are running 2 workshops for some very lucky Year 4, 5 and 6 students. The numbers are limited, so unfortunately only a few students will be able to attend from each class.  I will prioritise students who already learn Ballet, but we are also keen for some boys to attend.

 Friday is also a Mufti day- gold coin donation please.

Events for the Week
10.30 Choir Practise

12.30pm Gym Club



9.30 Royal NZ Ballet
12.30pm Gym Club
12.30pm Garden Club
2.00pm Kapa Haka practise

MUFTIMANIA. Gold coin donation.
12.30pm PI Practise

How we can serve God Rap.

For RE, Room 29 got into small groups and created their own raps about how we can serve God.
They used an app called Autorap, and they sound great.

Maddy, Millie and Ella Brooke Sara and Sarah Tara Gargi, Zoie, Mackenzie Student Another Student Yet Another Student Lily Riley, Corbin Jacob, Aarav, Reegan Emma Louise

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Week 7

Wow where has the time gone! We are already in week 7. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Congratulations to Mr Macmillan who got the most votes for the latest Daffodil Day Fundraiser, Dunk a Teacher with Ice. He is away this week, so hopefully within the next few weeks we will get to see this happening!

Notices for this week

Fathers Day Gifts Selling for $3 this week.
FROM FATHER EAMON Training for new Altar Servers will begin on Wednesday 2nd September 3.30 pm at St Mary’s and a parent is also required to be present. Children are very welcome to serve at both churches
ENROLMENT FOR THE SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME At St Mary’s Catholic Church, 7.00 pm the 14th October and or 21st October there will be an information session. Dates will be given and for those who are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring a baptismal certificate. The children are required to be 8 by the 1st November 2015. Children who are not baptised and would like to become Catholic are also very welcome to be a part of this Sacramental Programme. The Sacramental Programme is beginning this year in November. Many children these days are supported in their faith by their grandparents, if this is the circumstances in your family please don’t be afraid to bring them along, with parent permission.
Pass It Seniors
10.30am Church choir in room 15. Years 2 and up.

Pass It Seniors
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall.

Kapa Haka group performing at Citizens’ Ceremony. Children attending the Citizenship Ceremony need to meet Mrs Dunkley at 12.30pm with their lunch in Room 4. We will eat and then leave by bus from the Church carpark - we will return to school by 2.20pm
8.45am School Singing
11.00    Library
5.00pm Camp Mtg for parents of Year 5 and 6

9.30am St Columbas Catholic School  Year 3 and 4 teachers visiting our Middle Team.
12.30pm Garden Club.
12.30pm Gym Club in the hall

9.00am  Mother of Mary Birthday Mass
12.30pm Pasifika Practice in Room 15 at Friday lunchtime. All welcome.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Who are these GORGEOUS little beings?
Take a guess in the comments box below!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Solo work on Inventions

The class used hexagons to list inventions found in the classroom and at home. The children then sorted these items into categories and explained why they were grouped a particular way.
Here are some pictures of their Learning.

Jett's Birthday Biscuits

Happy Birthday Jett, thanks for sharing these wonderful gingerbread biscuits with the class. They were delicious!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Week 6

Nihau everyone! I would like to mention a big " Well Done" to Mackenzie in our class for your efforts in the Chinese Speaking Competition. We heard her speech last week and she was amazing!

Thank you to all those who have brought in their baby photos. The children have really enjoyed trying to guess who each baby is. They will be completing a " Guess the Baby" this week. Come in to check out our photos on display.

Rm 29 ( Rm 14 and 15) spent time last week learning their lines for Readers Theatre. They all did a fabulous job. Do check out Room 14's Blog for video recordings if you were presenting in Mrs Schofield's class.

Here's what's happening this Week:

Monday: SCHOOL PHOTOS please ensure your child is in their full school uniform ( No polar Fleeces) and hair is tidy.

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Golden Time. Assembly.

Hope you have a great Week.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Stacy Gregg Author Visit

Our school was lucky enough to listen to Stacy Gregg sharing her stories that she has written. She wrote the " Pony Club" series and has a passion for riding and writing. Stacy won the New Zealand Award for Children and Young Adults. 

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Week 5

Talofa everyone! Our class along with Rm 6 led the Assumption of Mary Liturgy this week. They did a fabulous job reading prayers.

There are a small number of children still left to bring in their baby pictures! Please do so in the next few days.

This is what's happening this week:

Monday: Teacher Only Day.

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Golden Time and Assembly.

Lady Bug Note Generators

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Week 4

Namaste everyone! I hope you have had a restful weekend.

Thank you for the wonderful food that was shared last Friday for our Mary Mackillop feast Day. The children enjoyed taking part in Service activities.

The activity that the children were involved with in our class was making Service Stones. We discussed how we can display service at home and the children got make their stones to give to their parents. Here are some pictures of the stones we made.

I am still waiting on baby photos of your child. Please can we have these in this week. The children are holding out to see their classmates as babies.

This week:
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: School Disco: the theme is Fluoro colours. 
Friday: Assumption of Mary Liturgy at 10am.

Myspace Generators & Toys

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Week 3

Tena Koutou everyone, the weeks seem to be flying by so quickly.
Thank you to those parents that have given me some baby pictures of the children. Please could we have these in by the end of the week. You can email them to me on

Congratulations to Sofia for winning the Matariki colouring in competition. Her artwork was beautiful. She won some amazing prizes

On Friday we are celebrating Mary Mackillop Day. We will have a shared lunch, it would be great if everyone could bring in something nice to eat.

Here's what's happening this week

Tuesday: Author Visit
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Mary Mackillop Day. Bring some food for shared lunch.
Tough Guy/ Gal challenge for children who have signed up.

Orkut Scrap Toys

Friday, 31 July 2015

Maori Language Week

We Learnt the Maori Alphabet for Maori Language Week.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Mandarin Learning for this week

We revised some of our learning from last term.



The children learnt some facts about The Great Wall of China.
chang cheng: (Great Wall)

Wo xihuan chang cheng: I like the Great wall:

The NED SHow

This week we watched the NED show. This stands for Never Give Up, Encourage others, Do your best.
Christie presented us with an exciting show with amazing Yoyo tricks.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Week 2

Tena Koutou everybody. It's Maori Language Week and we will be learning about the days of the week and months of the year through songs. It is really important that our pronunciation is correct, the more words that are practiced the better we will get!
Reports went out last week. I hope you are aware that the children's blogs are their e-portfolios. These get updated during the term, so please check out some of the samples of work that children have been learning in class.
This week it is parent interviews. These are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday and are 10 minutes long. You will be able to book an appointment by going to The code is V9Y6X.
I am trying to encourage the children to check out the class blog often for information on what is happening during the week, so I am going to leave a clue on the blog each week for the children to collect over the term. To see the clues you need to check the blog each week. 

I have added a new tab above of my weekly timetable. If you would like to see exactly what is happening and at what times, check out the Weekly timetable tab.

Request: Over the next few weeks I would like to collect a baby photo of the children to show their changes over the last 8/9 years. I thought it might be great to create a class display for children to guess which baby is which. You can either email me a digital copy or send me an original to photocopy. 

In class the children have created prayer cards to hand out to members of the church next Sunday. If you haven't finished yours please do so this week for home learning. They will be printed and laminated on Tuesday. If your children are available to hand out the cards next Sunday, that will be great too.

Please Bring in Reading Logs by Tuesday!!

Here's the plan for the week.

Monday: Parent Interviews
Tuesday: Ned Show Parent Interviews
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Golden Time/ Assembly.

Have a great week, hopefully we will be in for some wonderful weather.

Myspace Message Generators

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Zach's Story on Storybird

This week the children have been learning how to use Storybird. This website allows children to create their own books with the use of illustrations that are provided on the website.
This is Zach's Story.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Welcome back to Term 3

Tena Koutu everybody and welcome back to Term 3. I hope you have all had a restful break and are rearing to get back into your learning. The 2nd week of my holidays I spent recovering from a small cold. This winter weather has not been very kind to us. 
This term we welcome two new faces (or more like one returning student) to our Rm 15 whanau, welcome to  Jett and Mackenzie. We hope you settle in beautifully to our class routines. I'm sure most of the class would agree that you have been placed in the 
"Best Class Ever!"
How many awesome students have been continuing their reading over the holidays? I'm praying that we will get 100% ( ALL) reading logs returned in the next few weeks. There are some great prizes to be won and the class with the most reading logs returned will also get a prize!! Can we do his Rm 15? YES WE CAN!!!

Please check out the tab above ( Parent Info) for more details about what the children will be learning this term. Also fill out the survey below.

This week:
Monday: Teacher Only Day. If you do decide to come to school I have a sink and fridge to be scrubbed and other wonderful jobs you can get your hands into. 
Wednesday: Library day
Friday: 11 to 12.30 Middle Team Open Day. An opportunity for parents to see how Google Apps for Education works in the classroom. 

Myspace Generators & Toys