Saturday, 21 November 2015

Week 7

Talofa everyone!

I was lucky enough to attend the Ahurei Performance last Wednesday and the children did an outstanding job on their items. It is such a privilege to work in a school with students that have amazing talents!

Athletics will be taking place this Friday, please drop your children off to JPC between 8:30am to 8.45 and pick up before 3pm.

We farewelled Mrs Schofield last week, and we welcome Mrs Young who will be working alongside myself in our shared learning space this week. We will be taking this opportunity to allow Mrs Young to teach the children a nativity over the next few weeks. She has requested that for costume purposes, she would like donations of wool, scraps of material. If you have any at home lying around, please start bringing these in.

Shared Lunch: We will have a shared lunch with Mrs Schofield on Thursday, please bring in something nice to share.

Student Led Conferences will take place on Monday 30 November from 3.15pm to 7.00pm. The conference takes place in your child's classroom and bookings will be set at 5 minute intervals. However this does not mean that conferences are only limited to 5 minutes in the classroom. You may take as much time as you wish and other parents and students will also be present in the classroom at these times.

Bookings for your time slot may now be accessed: Code: 6ARLU

The Health Promoting Schools Team would like to introduce the
Slip, Slop, Slap RAP!! Can you and your friends write a rap to promote sun safety?  This competition is open to all students from 
years 3-6.  You can work on your own or with a small group.  You cannot use any apps to help you with your rap - it must be your own work. The health team will be judging your rap in week 8, so get rapping now!!

School Working Bee has been scheduled for this Saturday. If you can lend a helping hand that would be awesome.

Here's what's happening this week:
Monday: Flag Referendum starts
Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Swimming/ Shared Lunch
Friday: Athletics Day.

I have a huge favour to ask parents. I am doing some extra study and as part of my assignment I would like to ask if you can complete a survey about the class blog and your child's learning blog. You do not have to add your name, so your answers are completely anonymous. It will only take a few minutes. Thank you.

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