Saturday, 13 December 2014

Week 10 Last week of the School year

Only three and a half more days to go...I can't believe we are nearly at the end of it all. 
I have mixed emotions about the end of this year... relief: that all the hard work you have put into your learning has paid off, exhaustion: from last weeks late nights as well as running on empty with little fuel to get me to the end if it all, happiness: knowing that I have had an amazing bunch of kids this year whom I have really come to appreciate and bonded with, sadness: that this may be the final time that I get to teach some of you. I would like to express my gratitude for being " The Best Class Ever!" I will take with me some amazing memories and I'm sure you will too !! I pray that you have a great week and an even greater holiday! 

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the poetry recitals. We had some children who presented at a high standard. Our winner was Gargi and 2nd equal were Sara and Charlotte!
We will schedule in some time for other middle school class winners over the next few days to present to their syndicate!

If you have any old Christmas cards you can bring in for some Xmas craft, please bring them in!

The Young Vinnies are collecting non perishable items to to donate to those less fortunate! Please bring in a can, a prize goes to the class which has brought in the most!

Here's what on this week:
Monday  2.15- 2.45 New classroom orientation

Wednesday: Prize giving 9am School Hall
                       End of year mass – Church – 5.30 children need to meet on field at 5.10

Thursday: 11am Missioning of the year 6 students – school hall
                   12.00 END OF SCHOOL YEAR...hip hip hooray!

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