Saturday, 6 December 2014

Week 9

We have only 8 and a half more days of school left till we go on our Christmas Break! How exciting!
Lots going on this week, production, portfolio's and reports going home, a big TIDY UP and hopefully we can squeeze in some fun christmas activities. Please see the Notices below with regards to the Production and selling of tickets! I have highlighted some important information!

Full dress rehearsal at 11.00

Matinee performance at 1pm
Evening performance at 7pm

Evening performance at 7pm

Assembly at 2.10pm

School Production of Cinderella

Everyone is getting very excited about the Cinderella Show, which will be performed next week. Here are a few details to help everyone ensure they know what is expected/what is happening. A printed copy of this newsletter has been distributed to Years 0-4 classes at the end of today but the notice might not be issued until Monday. Year 5 - 6 students who have been at camp this week should bring home their notice on Monday.


The children will have a full school rehearsal at 11am. About 2.30pm we have some grandstands arriving - it would be helpful if a few Dad’s waiting for school pickup could assist us with getting these into the hall.


We have sound and lighting being installed on Tuesday afternoon. Room 13 students will be in another room during this time but Mrs Russell will take them to wait outside the school hall at the end of the school day.


We have a dress rehearsal matinee at 1pm. Lunchtime today will start at 11.30am for the main cast and 12 noon for the rest of the school. The school office is selling tickets to this Matinee dress rehearsal – there is no charge for preschoolers to attend this performance and the cost for students/adults is $5.

Wednesday and Thursday evenings:

Tickets for both evening performances are on sale at the school office. There will be no door sales sorry. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for preschoolers or school age students. We have tickets available for the grandstands, which will provide tiered seating at the back of the hall and tickets for chairs that will be on the floor in front of the grandstand. Please sit in the area your ticket is allocated for. The hall doors will open at 6.30pm.
All our students are involved in the Cinderella Show and are expected to attend both evening performances.

Students need to be at school at the following times on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings:

Main Cast

6pm at the back of the hall (Senior Playground end) Director’s assistants, Bruno, Major, Coachmen, Sugar, Spice, Stepmother, Narrator, Cinderella, Prince, Sponge Bob, Fairy Godmother, Mice including Jack and Gus, Garden People – Bears, Flowers Elves, Dancers, Gymnasts/Tumblers, Herald, Messengers. Students will get dressed into costume at school so need to come in casual clothes and bring a named plastic bag to put their clothes in. Makeup etc will be done in Room 10.

Speech Choir and Cinderella Choir

The Speech Choir needs to meet in Room 17 and the Cinderella Choir needs to meet in Room 16 at 6.20pm. Could they please wear dark coloured pants or leggings (black or blue – dark coloured jeans are fine)and they can wear any top to school. At school the students will change into the T-shirt they will wear during the show at school. Girls need to have long hair tied up. At the end of the Wednesday performance students will get changed back into their own top so the T-shirts stay at school. On Thursday evening students may take the T-shirt home.

Whole School Choir:

Most of the students are in the whole school choir. They can wear whatever they like to the show – dress ups are fine or good clothes. Could girls please have their hair tied up. Students need to meet in the following rooms by 6.40pm (Note that the rooms will open at 6.30pm)
Senior School Students meet in Rooms 1 and 2
Middle School Students meet in Rooms 14 and 15
Junior School Students meet in the following rooms:

Room 3 students who are in Rooms 7,8, 9 and 10

Room 4 students who are in Rooms 11, 12, 13

Room 5 students from Rooms 16 and 17

Pickup of students at the end of the show.

We are expecting the show to last about one hour. At the conclusion of the show could parents please collect their children from the following places:
Speech Choir from Room 17 and Cinderella Choir from Room 16. Please allow us 5-10 minutes to get them changed and ready. Teachers will open the doors once they are ready for parents to come in.
Whole school choir – please collect your child from the classroom they went to at 6.40pm
Main parts - from the back of the hall once Mrs Young clears students to leave.

Optional late start on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 December

Parents can choose whether they want their child to start school at 8.45am or 11 am on these mornings. Students need to be at school for either an 8.45am start OR they can arrive anytime between 10.30 and 11am ready for an 11am start. We request that children do not arrive between 8.45 and 10.30 am as this is disruptive to classes.

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