Saturday, 13 December 2014

Week 10 Last week of the School year

Only three and a half more days to go...I can't believe we are nearly at the end of it all. 
I have mixed emotions about the end of this year... relief: that all the hard work you have put into your learning has paid off, exhaustion: from last weeks late nights as well as running on empty with little fuel to get me to the end if it all, happiness: knowing that I have had an amazing bunch of kids this year whom I have really come to appreciate and bonded with, sadness: that this may be the final time that I get to teach some of you. I would like to express my gratitude for being " The Best Class Ever!" I will take with me some amazing memories and I'm sure you will too !! I pray that you have a great week and an even greater holiday! 

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the poetry recitals. We had some children who presented at a high standard. Our winner was Gargi and 2nd equal were Sara and Charlotte!
We will schedule in some time for other middle school class winners over the next few days to present to their syndicate!

If you have any old Christmas cards you can bring in for some Xmas craft, please bring them in!

The Young Vinnies are collecting non perishable items to to donate to those less fortunate! Please bring in a can, a prize goes to the class which has brought in the most!

Here's what on this week:
Monday  2.15- 2.45 New classroom orientation

Wednesday: Prize giving 9am School Hall
                       End of year mass – Church – 5.30 children need to meet on field at 5.10

Thursday: 11am Missioning of the year 6 students – school hall
                   12.00 END OF SCHOOL YEAR...hip hip hooray!

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Week 9

We have only 8 and a half more days of school left till we go on our Christmas Break! How exciting!
Lots going on this week, production, portfolio's and reports going home, a big TIDY UP and hopefully we can squeeze in some fun christmas activities. Please see the Notices below with regards to the Production and selling of tickets! I have highlighted some important information!

Full dress rehearsal at 11.00

Matinee performance at 1pm
Evening performance at 7pm

Evening performance at 7pm

Assembly at 2.10pm

School Production of Cinderella

Everyone is getting very excited about the Cinderella Show, which will be performed next week. Here are a few details to help everyone ensure they know what is expected/what is happening. A printed copy of this newsletter has been distributed to Years 0-4 classes at the end of today but the notice might not be issued until Monday. Year 5 - 6 students who have been at camp this week should bring home their notice on Monday.


The children will have a full school rehearsal at 11am. About 2.30pm we have some grandstands arriving - it would be helpful if a few Dad’s waiting for school pickup could assist us with getting these into the hall.


We have sound and lighting being installed on Tuesday afternoon. Room 13 students will be in another room during this time but Mrs Russell will take them to wait outside the school hall at the end of the school day.


We have a dress rehearsal matinee at 1pm. Lunchtime today will start at 11.30am for the main cast and 12 noon for the rest of the school. The school office is selling tickets to this Matinee dress rehearsal – there is no charge for preschoolers to attend this performance and the cost for students/adults is $5.

Wednesday and Thursday evenings:

Tickets for both evening performances are on sale at the school office. There will be no door sales sorry. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for preschoolers or school age students. We have tickets available for the grandstands, which will provide tiered seating at the back of the hall and tickets for chairs that will be on the floor in front of the grandstand. Please sit in the area your ticket is allocated for. The hall doors will open at 6.30pm.
All our students are involved in the Cinderella Show and are expected to attend both evening performances.

Students need to be at school at the following times on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings:

Main Cast

6pm at the back of the hall (Senior Playground end) Director’s assistants, Bruno, Major, Coachmen, Sugar, Spice, Stepmother, Narrator, Cinderella, Prince, Sponge Bob, Fairy Godmother, Mice including Jack and Gus, Garden People – Bears, Flowers Elves, Dancers, Gymnasts/Tumblers, Herald, Messengers. Students will get dressed into costume at school so need to come in casual clothes and bring a named plastic bag to put their clothes in. Makeup etc will be done in Room 10.

Speech Choir and Cinderella Choir

The Speech Choir needs to meet in Room 17 and the Cinderella Choir needs to meet in Room 16 at 6.20pm. Could they please wear dark coloured pants or leggings (black or blue – dark coloured jeans are fine)and they can wear any top to school. At school the students will change into the T-shirt they will wear during the show at school. Girls need to have long hair tied up. At the end of the Wednesday performance students will get changed back into their own top so the T-shirts stay at school. On Thursday evening students may take the T-shirt home.

Whole School Choir:

Most of the students are in the whole school choir. They can wear whatever they like to the show – dress ups are fine or good clothes. Could girls please have their hair tied up. Students need to meet in the following rooms by 6.40pm (Note that the rooms will open at 6.30pm)
Senior School Students meet in Rooms 1 and 2
Middle School Students meet in Rooms 14 and 15
Junior School Students meet in the following rooms:

Room 3 students who are in Rooms 7,8, 9 and 10

Room 4 students who are in Rooms 11, 12, 13

Room 5 students from Rooms 16 and 17

Pickup of students at the end of the show.

We are expecting the show to last about one hour. At the conclusion of the show could parents please collect their children from the following places:
Speech Choir from Room 17 and Cinderella Choir from Room 16. Please allow us 5-10 minutes to get them changed and ready. Teachers will open the doors once they are ready for parents to come in.
Whole school choir – please collect your child from the classroom they went to at 6.40pm
Main parts - from the back of the hall once Mrs Young clears students to leave.

Optional late start on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 December

Parents can choose whether they want their child to start school at 8.45am or 11 am on these mornings. Students need to be at school for either an 8.45am start OR they can arrive anytime between 10.30 and 11am ready for an 11am start. We request that children do not arrive between 8.45 and 10.30 am as this is disruptive to classes.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Old Christmas Cards

Calling for all unwanted old Christmas cards (used/ unused)!!
We have some great ideas we can use these if you have some spare Rm 15 would love to use them please!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Christmas Song for Mass

Raising awareness for those suffering from Ebola in Africa.
We will be singing this song at the end of year mass so you can practise it at home!

More Blue Poems

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Week 8

Talofa everyone!
The time of the production is drawing closer...this week we will be having more whole school practices.
I would like to congratulate Ceana and Hanaka, who will be taking part on the 100% attendance morning tea on Monday at the Convention Centre. You two have been very lucky to not get struck by nasty illnesses over the year!
The Middle Team will be having their picnic at school this Friday. Please come in mufti, bring your togs, plenty of fluids to drink and loads of sunscreen to keep you safe in the sun. There will be a lovely surprise waiting for you all on Friday! Parents are more than welcome to attend. We will need some parent help, so if you are free let me know and I will take your name down.

Any children with outstanding library books, please get these in ASAP.

Here's what's happening this week.

Monday: Production Singing at 8:40 am. 100% Attendance Awards 9:30 am.
Production Singing at 1pm.

Tuesday: Production Singing at 8:40 am.

Wednesday: Singing

Thursday: Production Singing at 8:40 am.

Friday: Middle School Picnic at School.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Week 7

I really can't believe how fast this term has gone! We have just a little under 4 weeks left of school, and still lots to pack in. Athletics Day was a success and there were a few from Rm 7 who performed extremely well.
This week is our swimming week. The weather is much warmer, so it would be nice to swim. Don't forget your togs!
I will not be setting anymore Home Learning Tasks for the rest of the term, however please keep up with the reading. I have spent a lot of my weekends writing up school reports and my poor children have been missing out on time with mum, so that is what I will be doing for the last weekends of the term. If you would like extra work, there are set tasks in your Google account you can complete.
All tickets that were issued for the PTA fundraiser needs to be returned whether they have been sold or not by Wednesday.

Here's what's on this week:

Monday: Singing Practice for Production. Final Reading Assessment for the year.

Tuesday: Children involved in Ahurei will be practising throughout the day.  Please go to the Kapahaka Blog for other details about this event.
Interschool Athletics: Notices will go out on Monday for those children that got in.

Wednesday: Singing Practice. Library. Please return All library Books for stocktake. 

Thursday: Singing Practice for Production. Raffle Draw.
5.30pm Coaches Thank you in the Library.

Friday: Golden Time: Teddy Bears Picnic and Juice Making ( Please bring in some fruit to be juiced and a plate to share with the class)

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Week 6

Kamusta everybody! We have quite a busy week ahead of us.
We have ERO ( Education Review Office) coming in to school this week to see how well the school is doing. It is a very big deal having them come in.
Thank you to all those parents who were able to bring in a plate for morning tea last Friday for Grandparents Mass. It was a lovely day!
If you are free this Friday, we would love to have you in to help with our Athletics Day. Many hands make light work! Athletics Day will be held at John Paul College. You will need to drop your child off there by 9am and pick up by 2.30pm. 
Here's what's on this week.

Monday: ERO team arrive. Powhiri at 10.15am

Wednesday: Library. This week will be the last week for borrowing as stocktake will start next week. Please make sure all books are back by then!

Thursday: Production Singing Practice at 8.40am.

Friday: Athletics Day at JPC

Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

At the farm !!!

In the weekend I went to a big stinky farm it was exiting.I went with my cousins Savanah,Shilo,kya mania and my aunty wendy and her husband the owener of the farm.Also my aunty Rachel,lisa my step mum and dad.At the farm we saw 3 pigs lots of cows and calfs there also was 6 sheep and 6 dogs what could sneek up on the sheep so we could ride one. I rode on the hairest one first and I face planted on the ground and Savanah rode second she fell on her hip and my brother Avaani rode on it as well. But Noha and Shilo were to scared to do it. After that we was on a sack and a moterbike pulled us around the grass and through the pond. When it was dark we had a BQQ with sausges and meat pattes.After that we set off some fire work and Savanah,Shiloand Kya stayed the night with me and some of my family, also we watched movies.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Week 5

Bonjour everybody! I feel like I got a little sunburnt over the weekend from such sunny weather! Feels like summer is trying to break free , not long to go!

Next Friday, Athletics Day will be held at John Paul College. We will need as many parent helpers we can get. So if you are free, we would love to have you on board for next Friday. Please contact the office if you can help.

The bell will be ringing a little earlier this week, as Production singing practice will start back up again. Please make sure your kids are at school on time so they don't miss out.

A message from PTA: We would appreciate a plate of food to be shared for morning tea on Grandparents Day.

This is our swimming week. Don't forget your togs.

Monday: Production Singing Practice. Class assessment on Reading.
Tuesday: Production Singing Practice. Class assessment on writing.
Wednesday: Singing Practice. Library.
Thursday: Production Singing Practice.
Friday: Grandparents Day!Grandparents Mass at 9.15am in the church. Performances after morning tea. ( We will not be swimming on Friday)

Check out some of these photos that Sara and Ceana sent on their experiments for home learning.

Hi Ms. YTT,

Attached is the experiment that Ceana and I did in a glass of water over a paper through direct sunlight.  "It's pretty awesome"! as per Ceana's reaction.  We saw the reflection of the rainbow and really looks so amazing!.

Another from Ceana

Hi Mrs Waititi

I filled a small glass with water and took it with a piece of paper to the window.
I held the glass on top of the paper into the sunlight and twisted and turned it until I saw a rainbow on the paper on the window sill.
Then mum took a photo of the rainbow while I was holding the glass of water.

love Sara!!!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Torture the Teacher

The children had a ball torturing the teacher by throwing flour bombs at her while she scootered around. Thanks Mr Beckham for the helmet! It saved me!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Ashton's Art

Week 4

Malo Ni. What a great weekend of beautiful weather! Thank you to all those parents who attended the school working bee on Saturday.There was a great turn out!
The children were given the pleasure of torturing the teacher last Friday. We will post a video of Mrs YTT getting flour bombed! 
Here's what's on this week!

Monday: All Saints/ Souls Liturgy at 10am in the church. All are welcome.
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Assembly Golden Time. 
Could all children who are on home reading PLEASE bring their books in on this day! It is not looking too good for some children in our class who are forgetting!

Have a great week!

Myspace Generators & Toys

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Week 3

Mali e lelei everyone! It was great having an extra long weekend!
I want to congratulate all those children that received a prize when their name was drawn from the box of reading logs on Friday. I'm pretty sure our class got the most prizes! Our class came third overall and we got a farmers voucher. I will see if I can find something nice for the class that I can buy with the voucher!
Stationery: Please ask your child if they need more pens or pencils. I have already loaned out the classroom supply and haven't received them back and now have no more to give out. Please make sure you have enough pens for the rest of the term.
This week is swimming week. Please make sure you bring what you need for swimming. If you can not swim, please send me an email or a note with the reason.
Here's what's happening this week!

Tuesday: Google Apps information Evening at 6pm for parents with Year 2 children.
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Rosary Procession at 9am. Athletics training in the afternoon.
Friday: Golden Time. Assembly.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

More Holiday Pictures

In my holidays I did the coastguard boating program!
I had to jump of a 2 meter high block 10 times with my life jacket on and 8 times without my life jacket on (compact jump).
My teacher was called Gemma and she works at the Aquatic center [Swimsation].
We went on a small boat and saved the other students in the water and dragged them in the boat.
We also flipped the boat upside down and went under it.
I had a fabulous time!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Week 2

Talofa Everyone. Great to see some rain over the weekend to keep our gardens watered!
Reading Logs are due in on Thursday. Apologies for the incorrect due dates. I think we only have 2 or 3 students that need to have theirs in.
Newsletters will now be emailed to all parents. If you would like a paper copy please collect them from the office.
Thank you for some gruesome " Torture the Teacher" tasks. Unfortunately we had 2 students who lost Golden Time last week. Hopefully I get to do one of them this week.
There will be no swimming this week!

Monday: Singing practice
Tuesday: Singing Practice
Wednesday: Singing Practice. Library
Reading Together Workshop at 5.30pm.
Thursday: Rosary
Friday: Singing. Golden Time. Assembly.

Hope everyone has a great week!

We are learning the Maori months of the Year. Here is a song to help us!

click here to learn

Friday, 17 October 2014

Holiday Fun

I went skiing and boarding in the holiday and it was fun. Aidan

This blow kart was very awesome to go on. I came second in a race with my family.

From Recco.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Yay holidays are Over!!Term 4 Begins!!

Hello to all of you. I hope you have had a restful holiday and are excited about starting the new term! My holidays started off fantastically and have been amazing, unfortunately had an unpleasant ending with Mr Waititi in a car accident only yesterday. I am truly grateful that he was not seriously injured but the state of our car is another story! Looks like we will be riding our bikes if we need to get anywhere!
The next few weeks will be very busy ones, there will be swimming, there will be production song practices and so much learning to get through! See the Parent Information tab above for more information about what is happening this term. Don't forget to bring in your Holiday Reading Logs.
Here is what is on this week.
Monday: Swimming
Tuesday: Swimming. Sports Programme that Middle School children will be involved in.
Wednesday: Swimming, Library. 
Reading Together Workshop at 5.30pm
Thursday: Rosary in the morning.
Friday: Swimming. Golden Time. Assembly

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Week 10

Kumusta everybody! We have 5 days of school left! Let's make these last few days really worth it!
There are a few more portfolio assessments to complete, so hopefully we will finish those in the first couple of days of the week.

Here's what's happening

Monday: Homework Club 3.30 pm
Tuesday: Pass It
Wednesday: Library Reading Together Workshops at 5.30pm
Thursday: Disco 5.30 to 7pm. Loom Band Theme
Friday:Last Day of School. Home learning Due, home Reading Due. Golden Time. Assembly.
Homework Club 3.30pm

I hope you all have a great and restful holiday! Hopefully the weather will start warming up!
Check Out this Cool song in lot's of different languages.
A great end to Globalisation for the term!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Week 9

Kia Orana everyone. Where has all that time gone this term! Two more weeks of school, that's only 10 days of school for this term.
Over the next two weeks we will be working on portfolio assessments. Hopefully we won't have children getting sick during this time.
Those children who are involved in the production will be having more and more practices. Please practise your parts at home.
There is an Art competition going on at St Mary's to celebrate the Birthday of Mary. Create a piece of art with the Theme of " Mary". There are some great prizes to be won including an afternoon with Janet Keen creating wonderful artwork. These will be due on the last day of the term. They will be judged by Mrs Kusabs, Fr Jelo and Janet Keen.

Here is what's happening this week.

Monday: Homework Club at 3.30pm
Tuesday: Pass It
Wednesday: Singing Practice. Library
Thursday: Reading Together Workshop at 5.30  ( a group of parents have already been selected to take part)
Friday: Golden Time. Assembly. Home Readers please bring your books.
Homework Club 3.30pm.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Week 8

Malo e lelei everyone! I hope you have all had a restful weekend!
I will be handing out calendar order forms this week. I apologize for the lateness. We will be working on our calendar art this week and I will post pictures up for you to see your child's art.

Here's what's on

Monday: Homework Club ( 3.30 to 4.30)


Wednesday: Senior's Cake Stall ( by Room 3). Fundraising for school camp. Everything will be $1 each.

Friday: Birthday of Mary Mass. Golden Time. Assembly. 
Home Readers please bring in your books! Home Learning due.

I hope you all have a lovely week! God Bless!!

Please see the link below about the use of chrome books.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Mufti day and our new student

We had a new student join our class named elizabeth. She was  so naughty that she lost lots of her golden time! Our teacher didnt come in so we had to try and teach ourselves! 

Monday, 1 September 2014

Mufti Day this Friday

Come dressed up as your favourite book character.
Bring a gold coin if you would like to participate. Funds go towards Young Vinnies.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Week 7 already

I really can't believe how fast time has flown this term! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Check out some of the videos after this post showing some of the children's wonderful Tapa Art and our Sherbet Making during Golden Time last week.
The PTA will be selling gifts for $3 in the hall for Fathers Day. See below for days.
Our whanau roopu are selling raffle tickets for $3 also to fundraise for Taongo to be awarded to 2 Year 6 Maori students this year. Tickets are being sold by Kapa haka members.
Here's what's happening this week

Monday: Speech Choir Auditions for the production at 12.30 with Mrs Tabuteau.
Tuesday: Pass It
Wednesday: Library. Fathers Day Gifts being Sold.
Thursday: Fathers Day Gifts being Sold.
Friday: Fathers Day Gifts being Sold.Golden Time. Assembly. Home Readers please bring in your books!

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Golden Time Sherbet

For all those that loved the sherbet for Golden Time, here is the recipe:

1 cup of icing sugar
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid
1 1/2 teaspoon of tartaric acid
3 teaspoons of flavoured jelly ( this is to give the sherbet some colour and flavour)

Mix all in a bowl. ( Sift the baking soda so you don't get nasty lumps of yucky taste)

Eat with a lollipop.

Sherbet fun on PhotoPeach

Tapa Art work

Ou Tapa Designs on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Week 6

Yellow with a great pink marshmallow everyone( ask the children what they think this sentence means)! I hope you enjoyed your weekend! The weather was beautiful yet again! Much nicer than the rain we had last week.
We had to change our Golden Time last week, as not many children brought in pillows on Friday. They did however enjoy spending their points buying some wonderful prizes from our treasure boxes. 

We have school photos on Monday. Please ensure your child is wearing their full school uniform ( no polar fleece allowed) and that they look tidy and presentable.

There a few Year 4 students who will be taking part in an NMSSA National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement) study. This will take place from Monday through to Wednesday on some of the students.

Here's what's on this week

Monday: School Photos, NMSSA study

Tuesday: NMSSA Study

Wednesday: NMSSA Study, Tauranga Boys Band performance, Library

Friday: Home Reading and Home Learning due. Golden Time Assembly.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Edible Art

Week 5

Namaste everyone! Weren't we so lucky to have such beautiful weather over the weekend!
We had a wonderful week last week, with a few children taking part in the Edible Art competition. I was very impressed with some of the pieces of work that children had created. We also celebrated St Mary's Assumption on Friday and the Liturgy was beautiful!
I am away on Monday as I have been asked to attend some professional development. As much as I love being in the classroom there is always room for improvement! I will also give out your home learning books on Tuesday, as I forgot to bring them home over the weekend! Thank you to those who handed these in. Last week I also handed out some Junior Journals and School Journals with a reading activity. If I could have these back as soon as possible, so I can give you another one. You will find the boxes on top of the Computer box on wheels.

Here's what's on this week:

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Auditions for School Production" Cinderella". Mrs Pinfold and Mrs Young need children who have special talents:

Gymnastics, singing, musical instruments, dancing or anything

else that they would like to show them.  More info to follow very 


Home Readers Please please please bring in your books on 


I hope you all have a lovely week! Ma te Atua koutou manaaki. 

(God Bless you all)

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Week 4

Bula Vinaka everyone! The weekend was so so chilly, yet it was great to see the sun shining!
On Monday I have my youngest child, Christian  starting school. Him starting school reminds me how long I have been teaching at St Mary's. It also reminds me to be grateful for the many blessings I have received in my life!
We had a great feast day on Friday, I'm sure everyone enjoyed it! Thank you for the food that was provided. Room 15 had a delicious feast along with Rm 7!
An important notice for Thursday

Also congratulations to Aidan in our class for winning his Chinese Speech competition. You are inspiring Aidan!

Here's what's happening this week:

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: 5 a day competition for the most decorative piece of art using fruit. See above for the rules.

Friday: Assumption of Our Lady Liturgy at 10am. Golden Time and Assembly. Home Learning and Home Reading are due.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

On Thursday Harry's mum came in.

We learnt heaps about tapa.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Week 3

Malo Ni to all my wonderful learners. We had a fantastic assembly on Friday. I will post some pictures soon. Thank you for bringing in your lovely costumes! They were amazing! I wish I had taken a photo of each of you individually, the time flew by so quickly that I didn't get the chance!
Over the next few weeks we will be working on a project in class on a country your child has chosen. They will be answering some questions I have set and hopefully can give a small presentation on what they have learnt.
We had some great progress on our spelling and times tables results. Please practice the sheets I have sent home, some children are getting 100% in their scores!
Punctuality: Please ensure your child/ren are at school by 8.30-8.45. Mr Macmillan will be standing by the gate waiting for those that come after the bell.

Here's what's happening this week:

Wednesday: Library. 
Parent Teacher Interviews at 3.30 to 5.30. Bookings are for those children who are needing more home support. This is shown in your child's school report.
Whanau Roopu evening at 5.30. All are invited. Please bring a plate to share.

Friday: Mary Mackillop Feast Day Mass at 9am and activities for the rest of the day. There is a shared lunch on this Day, please bring something in to share. Thank you.
Those children on the Home Reading programme, don't forget to bring in your books.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

IXL progress

We are just so awesome! Keep up the great work everyone.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Assembly this week!

I have offered to do assembly for another class this week, so on Friday we're on! It will have a globalisation theme, so please bring in a Traditional/ Ethnic costume and for those who don't have any, just wear " All Black" to represent our country. Thank for your support!

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Week 2

Hola everybody! Gracias to the children who have added some phrases and words to the padlet below. 

I hope you enjoyed your weekend, we had such beautiful weather. You would have all checked out your child's portfolio. It would be much appreciated if your children could start bringing them back in by the end of this week.
We had some amazing results from lots of children for their spelling and times tables tests. I was very impressed with everyones effort. We all have a goal to work towards for this week and know exactly how we will achieve better results.
Holiday reading logs are due in also, don't forget to bring in yours, the prizes are amazing!!

Here is what is happening

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Steam puddings for sale for $1.50. Orders will be made on Thursday morning just like sausage sizzle and children will receive their pudding at lunch time. They are delicious, so I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

Friday: Golden Time. The children have chosen what they would like to do for this term, check out the tab above for what we are doing this week. 

Have a wonderful week!

Song of the week.

I have been enjoying listening to and singing the words of this song.Enjoy

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Spelling this term

Just letting you know I have chosen a few words from each essential spelling list to learn over the term( In the Essential Spelling List Tab). The children will be assessed every week on this list. They will also be able to track and see their progress over the term and see which words they need to work on for the following week. They will get opportunities to practice their words in class also.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Term 3 Week 1

Kia Ora tamariki ma and welcome back to another amazing term.

I hope you have had a restful holiday and looking forward to get into your learning. It is Maori language week so we will be learning a few maori phrases to develop our Te Reo.
I would like to congratulate Lisi Stahlhut on the birth of her twin boys. Two brothers for our Sara...I'm sure you will be a great help for mum and dad!
Last term we said goodbye to 2 members of our class Toby and Cole. We wish them well in their new schools. We also welcome a new class member Mary, who has moved to Rotorua from Auckland. Welcome to our Room 15 whanau, Mary.
There is so much that we will be covering I am very excited to get started.  See the parent information tab above to find out what's happening this term. Please add to our padlet below also. This will be a starting point for our concept of focus.

Here's what's happening this week:

Wednesday: Fr Mark farewell at 10am. All are welcome to join. Fr Mark has played an integral part of our school and church community, it is very sad to see him go. He will continue his journey at a church in Tauranga. We wish him well!

Friday: Portfolios and Reports will go home. 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Thought you might like to hear it before you start back at school.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Loom Band Craft

We may get a chance to create some stars for Matariki. I have found a cool tutorial on how to make stars out of loom bands. If you have them at home, bring them into school this week please!

Final week for Term 2

Wowsers, where did that term go? We are in our final week for the term, it will be full of assessments for portfolios, hopefully we can squeeze in some fun activities too!
I would like to thank all parents who have supported their children in their home learning this term. It really is the key to the progress they make over the year. A Big thank you also to all those parents who have helped in any way to make my job easier in the class, whether it be through transportation or supervision on trips or photocopying etc. An extra pair of hands definitely makes lighter work for me!
We celebrated a beautiful mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Check out the prayers below that some of our children prepared!

This week:

Wednesday: Library
Thursday: School Disco with "a camper's" theme.
Friday: Golden Time Assembly.

Great homework on the last week of the Term!!! Spread the word!

Just add to our wall wisher!!

This is a bit late!

Here are some photos that were taken from our trips to Whakarewarewa and Buried Village.

Whakarewarewa and Buried Village on PhotoPeach Whakarewarewa and Buried Village Part 2 on PhotoPeach Whakarewarewa and Buried Village Part 3 on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 26 June 2014

A prayer to the sacred hart of Jesus

A prayer to the sacred hart of Jesus 

Dear Jesus thank you for sacrificing you're life
To forgive our sins give us the ability to do our
Best as we can do to something in return 


Prayer to the Sacred Heart

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jesus help me to be more like you, 

With a sacred heart like you,

Make me the best. Person I can be,

And I will love others as you have told me,

From Gargi

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Lord Jesus

Please help me and my family to always stay safe and happy at all times.Thank you Lord for giving the money we need and the food to eat.Please help everyone survive and be safe,and please help the poor stay clean and to give them food to eat Amen. By Ceana

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Week 8

Hello Everyone! No one got the mystery tasks last week! See if you can find it for this week!
A big big thank you to all our wonderful parents who were able to help with transport and supervision last week for our trips. They were all successful, it was a shame that some children fell ill and had to miss out!
You have all been so fantastic I have decided to let you have an extra day at home on Monday! Here's what's happening this week.

Monday: Teacher Only Day
Tuesday: Hit It
Wednesday: We have our library time back now! Don't forget your library books. Singing Practice. Hit It
Thursday: Mufti Day, so come dressed as your favourite sports person. Bring in $1 which goes towards Young Vinnies fundraising group. Junior School Cross Country.Hit It 
Friday:Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass at 9am. All are welcome.
Home Reading and Home Learning Due!

Please follow this link to complete the survey on Student Led Conferences. There will be a lucky winner if you compete the form.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Week 7

Bonjour everyone. I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate all children who did a wonderful job with their student led conference. I will include at the end of this post the comments that parents made on the nights that their children presented.
Remember that next Monday is a Teacher Only Day.
We have a busy week ahead... our trips are on Thursday and Friday, I'm pretty sure we have plenty of transport now, if you haven't made your $14 payment, please do so this week.

Monday: Middle School lego competition at lunch time, don't forget your pieces.

Wednesday: No Library I have swapped again with Mrs Dunkley, so we will go on Thursday. Sorry for any confusion.

Thursday: Museum Trip. If we get back in time we will go to the library on this day.

Friday: Trip to Whakarewarewa and Buried Village.

Orkut Scrap Toys

Monday, 9 June 2014

Chrome Book options

Cyclone Computers and Noel Leeming Cyclone Computers now have us listed on their web portal store. Parents can purchase online from

 Go to the store and then select St Mary's Catholic School and use login STM2014. ( They have a very good deal for HP 11.6 inch Chromebook, with a hard case sleeve and 3 year warranty for $449 inc GST ( Special deal available until 30 June) They also have some other options as well.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Week 6

Ahoj (Ahoi) to all our wonderful learners! Quite a lot going on this week!
Student Led Conferences (SLC's) Wednesday and Thursday, please ensure you have made a booking . Phone calls will be made to all parents who have not made a booking. This is a great opportunity to see your child in action, presenting what they have been learning this year! Don't miss out! See the information below for the making a booking.

Next week ( Week 7 Thursday and Friday) we will be going on our trips. $14.00 can be paid to the office for students and $3.50 for any adult helpers who will be coming to the Whakarewarewa and Buried Village trips.

Tuesday: Interschool Cross Country. All the best to Recco and all other St Mary's students who will be competing for our school.
Wednesday: SLC 1.30pm to 6pm. School will finish at 12.30pm.
Thursday: Library ( We have swapped just for this week with Rm 4). SLC's 4pm-7pm
Friday: Golden Time. Assembly. Home Readers, don't forget your books!

Notices from other Staff:
Next Monday there will be a lego building competition for middle school kids. This has been organised by Mrs O' Leary. This will take place at lunch time. Rules are, bring in 200 pieces of lego, 10 special pieces ( eg windows, doors, mini-figures) You may work in a group, but only 200 pieces to be used within the group. Your children have already been informed of the rules.

Mrs Hall would like any recycled materials ( cardboard cereal boxes, ice cream containers) for making instruments for your lessons with her. Please send to Rm 10.

CHeck out our certificates for IXL: Well done Rm 15

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Student Led Conferences

The children have been learning about how they will be presenting to their parents for next Wednesday or Thursday. Please ensure you have booked by this Friday!

Has your child given you  the information about Student Led Conferences?  Appointments can be made by following the instructions in last week's newsletter.  A copy of that information is here:
How to book a time for your conference on-line :
1. Access Internet Explorer
2. Choose
3. Book School Interview
4. St Mary ’ s Event Code VBXWT
5. Follow steps 1, 2, 3 to make your booking

 Although the booking schedule will show blocks of 5 minute
 intervals, you have 20—25 minutes available in the classroom
 per conference.
 If you are unable to make your booking on-line or have any
 queries please contact Mr Volschenk during school hours.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Week 5

Bonjour everyone! What lovely long weekend we had! We have a few events to look forward to, Student Led Conferences and our team trip in Week 7. Just a reminder about the payment of this trip. We got the notice out early so families can start saving for this. If you think you can transport and help with supervision, please fill in the newsletter that was sent out!
 Last week all the children got a username and password to take home to help them get onto a maths website called IXL. We will be using this in class and your child can access it at home too. If you don't have your username and password please let me know. 
I have been trialling out doing our spelling tests online via our blog, your child will bring home their results and you can see which words they need to focus on.
Here's what's happening this week.

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Pentecost Mass at 9am 11am.( Sorry got the wrong time) All are welcome to attend. Golden Time.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

IXL Certificate!

Congratulations children of Rm 15, check out what we got from the team at IXL for maths.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Week 4

Kia Ora kids!
Welcome back to another full week of learning. We have the school's Catholic Review on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is a great time to share our learning experiences specifically in the RE programme. It is also a great way of showcasing some of the work we have already done in class.
Cross Country is this Thursday. 

We will need parent helpers this week.  The cross country is at the Redwoods on Thursday at 1pm.  We will need parents to help with transport (leaving school at 12.30 and returning at 2.30) and supervision around the course.  If you are able to help, can you please email me.  

Here's what's happening,

Tuesday: Catholic Review
Wednesday: Singing Practice, Catholic Review, library
Thursday: Cross Country. Notice for this will come out on Monday. 
Friday: Golden Time, Assembly, HOME READING DUE for those children on the programme.

I hope you all have an amazing week!